Friday, May 29, 2009

Just goofed off

Nothing much happened on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. We ran into town a couple of times, washed the truck, enjoyed bits of sunshine, and did a lot of chatting. We've had some good thunderstorms roll through the area. We were outside talking with a camper when the thunder started. Her dog didn't like it (me neither) and we all seeked shelter under their awning. Rain and hail just poured down for a good 15 minutes. I saw the white of lightning out of the corner of my eye and then BOOM a huge thunderous roar hit. I almost jumped on to John as it scared the daylights out of me. Maybe one day I will get use to thunderstorms.

We did have a medical situation with one of our workkampers. Horace, who is 74, started having trouble breathing and his pulse was in the 30's (not good). His wife, Livinia, took him to the hospital. They recommended that he be transported to Rapid City to have a pacemaker installed. He wanted to no part of that and said if he needed to do that he would return to Tyler, TX. He spent the night at the hospital and returned home on Friday. Horace is to start taking a medication that will have his heart beat faster and some changes to his other medications. We know they want to stay in the area but right now it seems unlikely. His heart doctor had told him not to go to elevations about 5,000 foot - we sit at about 5,500 feet. We just hope Horace makes the right decisions and stays healthy.

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