Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Catching up

Life has been pretty busy the past few days so I have a fair amount of catching up to do.

Friday - John flipped on the furnace around 7 a.m. and all of sudden it starting making very loud noises. John was up quickly to turn it off and to check it out. He thought the motor might have thrown a bearing. A call was placed to RV Brokers and an appointment was made for Tuesday morning. Melissa and I spent the day doing some retail therapy while John went out for a bike ride. It was nice hanging out with Melissa; something I have missed. Later in the evening, John and I went out and bought another electric heater to give us some additional heat. Problem! We are at a site with only 30 amps and we can't run them both without tripping the breaker.

Saturday - Boy oh boy, was it cold and being able to only use one heater only marginally works. John went out on a bike ride with Clyde and a friend of Clyde's. While John was gone, I decided to get with copying all of my CD's to the computer to be able to get them out of the basement. My goodness, two file boxes worth . . . this may take a while. When John got back and showered, we got a call from Bonnie saying that our mail shipment had arrived. It was decided that we would go over to pick up our stuff and go out to dinner. Ah a warm house. We had a nice visit and a great dinner at Sharizad's with Bonnie and Butch.

Sunday - John came up with the smart idea to run a heavy duty extension cord through a slide window and plug it in to the 20 amp circuit. This way, we could run both electric heaters at the same time. Doing so made a big difference. No more cold feet. I pretty much spent all day copying CDs to my computer. It takes about four minutes a piece to copy one CD. Will I ever finish?

Monday - We stopped at Camping World and picked up a few items. We then took John's bike in for a tune-up to Patriot Bicycles, Inc. Scott and company do a good job. Whenever John's bike goes in for it's annual check-up, I say that we take his mistress to the spa. While there, we checked out a new bike for me. With my sacroliac issues, my road bike just is not comfortable for me to ride. We then stopped at an alterations store so I could get a pair of pants hemmed and the sleeves on a jacket shortened.

Melissa gave us a call to say that she was sick with a bad ear ache in both ears and a cold. She called again after seeing the doctor who said she had a bad sinus infection on top of a cold and put her on meds. Later in the day, she called to request that we stop at Panera Bread to pick up some chicken soup and deliver it to her later in the evening as she was leaving work to get some sleep. Of course, we said we would do it. As requested, we delivered the soup to her just a little before 7 p.m. Let's hear a big Aww . . . . On another note, I finally finished copying all of my CD's at 6 p.m. John weighed the two boxes and our rig will be 40 pounds lighter. I wish I could lose weight that easily!!!! I was also doing major multitasking in the afternoon. While copying CD's, I rearranged some kitchen cabinets. A project that I have wanted to do for some time now.

Tuesday - We were up at 6:30 a.m. as we had an 8:30 a.m. appointment to have our furnace looked at. Boy howdy, was it foggy and cold. RV Brokers were very prompt at checking our problem out. Apparently, a screw came loose from the squirrel cage which was making all the noise. It took them about an hour to get the problem corrected. Yippee! We have heat again. We got back to Cal Expo a little past 10 a.m. and went into a different site. The bonus was that our new site has 50 amp service instead of 30 amp service. While John was working outside and I went to set up the MotoSat. We have no obstructions other than power lines that run across the park. After a half hour, the satellite would not lock on. John checked all connections and everything looked good. So what now? John said he thought maybe we needed to pull forward a couple of feet. What a pain. So I started to bring the slides in when I noticed that we had all five lights lit up on the controller which means that we have a connection. John had already started to undo some of the set up items in preparation of moving. I let him know that we had a connection so we didn't have to move. We were both very relieved. I still don't understand what the hangup was as the equipment has never acted this way before.

Checked on Melissa who was back at work. She said her ear aches were gone but now it was just the cold that she was suffering. I sure hope that she didn't share the cold with either John or me . . . I guess time will tell.

The rest of the evening will be spent just chilling.

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