Saturday, April 4, 2009

Nearly blown away . . . again

The wind started in again by noon with a vengeance. All day long and into the evening, we had constant winds in the 45 mile per hour range with gusts up into the 60 mph range. Then around 1 a.m., we were both woken with even stronger wind gusts. Now, it is really something when John is waken up. Boy, did we rock and roll even more severely than before. We later found out that there were wind gusts up in the 70 to 75 mph range (hurricane wind range). I was ready to pull in the slides but John thought that was overkill and that we would be fine. He was right, we survived it but it sure wasn't fun.

Saturday was a repeat of Friday night but the wind gusts were only in the 50 - 55 mph. I can hardly wait for this wind to stop (if it ever does). If the wind blows here, it pretty much blows all over the state so there is no escaping.

If you are finding all of this boring, imagine how we are feeling. Let's pray that good weather comes to New Mexico soon.

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