Monday, March 30, 2009

Stop the wind already

The wind has done nothing but blow with powerful wind gusts since we arrived. We are sick of the wind.

On Saturday, we took one of their "scenic drives" and we both came to the same conclusion: we have a different opinion on what is "scenic". Granted, the cottonwoods aren't in bloom yet along the Gila River but still. The morning was lovely and the afternoon was, of course, windy. We did get to see some raptors and saw an owl flying along the roadway. John picked out a nice place for lunch in downtown Silver City called Jalisco. It was good but very spicy.

On Sunday, John woke up with an intestinal issue. We stuck around home just taking it easy so he could recover. Yes, the wind blew again. All this wind is stirring up pollens that we aren't use to so the noses are running.

When we went to bed, the wind had died down. Sometime during the night, the wind came up with strong force. I spent the night waking up and going back to sleep wondering if I should take the satellite dish down. What concerned me the most was the powerful wind gusts and the timing of putting the dish down. The dish stayed up and weathered the winds. The whole state is under a wind warning: 30 - 35 mph winds with gusts up to 50 mph.

Tomorrow, supposedly the state won't be under a wind advisory (we'll see). We are thinking we should hit the road tomorrow if that is the case and not wait until Wednesday to move when the forecast is once again calling for windy conditions.

We have not seen the Gila Cliff Dwellings due to this constant wind and are disappointed. So we will came to come through this area again at a later date to take in the Gila Cliff Dwellings.

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