Sunday, July 1, 2012

Adios June

This past month has brought us a lot of emotional ups and downs so both of us are elated that June is over.  

When we were settling in to the mobile home park, we met a lovely older couple, Klaus and Rosie.  Klaus has his own experiences with seizures and took John under his wing.  We always loved a visit with them as they both "get it" as to all the changes that this one 15-20 second episode brings to our lives.  I know John really appreciated Klaus' friendship.

The condensed version of our lives this month:
  • Doctor/medical tests
  • Rented storage unit and moved items out of the rig and into storage
  • Sold fifth wheel
  • Looked at apartments
  • Temporarily moved in to John's sister and brother-in-laws house while they are on vacation.  
  • Rented a lovely one bedroom apartment that has double the space of that of our fifth wheel not to mention a full-size refrigerator, full-size oven, full-size washer and dryer, and a dishwasher.
  • Cancel this and that related to the RV and notify the SD DMV of the sell
  • Take truck to body shop for cosmetic repair and dealing with adjusters and insurance co.  Why do they have to make it so difficult????
  • Rented a car to drive while truck is in for repairs.  
  • Furniture shopping. I find it ironic that this time four and a half years ago we were divesting ourselves of such items in anticipation of our full-timing lifestyle.  We seem to have come full circle.
Why sell the trailer you might ask.  We knew our full-timing days were over and then we realized that the maintenance of the trailer would require John to be up on the roof or ladder frequently.  Not good for someone who already had one seizure and we don't know if he will have another (so far so good).  We got an opportunity to sell the trailer so we took it.  By doing so, this will allow us to move forward with the new direction of our lives.  While John still has medical things pending, the close proximity of family and location familiarity just makes Sacramento feel like this is where we need to be for now.  Hence, the need to get an apartment what with selling our home out from under ourselves (lol).  We will be living in an area that is "new" to us and within the close proximity of anything and everything we could ever need or want.  This will allow us time to settle in and let our emotions settle down before making any more major decisions.

One of the hardest things for us to wrap our brains around is that we aren't full-time RVers anymore.  We enjoyed the travel but most of all we enjoyed the people we met along the way.  So many of these special people have reached out to us over this past month.  We have greatly appreciated all the calls and emails.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  We hope that we can beat the odds and stay in touch with those of you who are still on the road.

So July will find us settling in to a new reality.  We are ready and looking forward to setting up a new home and to see where life will lead us as we go forward - a new adventure! We are so thankful to still be here together that all we know for sure is life is good!


  1. We are so happy that things are coming togeather for you guys. We will continue to pray for good results.

    Gay and Cheri

  2. And the same goes for us. We really appreciate the update as we always are wondering how things are going for you guys. Did you sell the rig to anyone we know in the Excel group? That must be hard.....I can't even imagine having to stop this lifestyle, but I know that we can do almost anything when put to the test. Stay in touch and we're thinking and praying for you guys! Big hugs, Tom and Donna

  3. Despite the circumstances, welcome home.
