Saturday, December 10, 2011

Cold temps, holiday lights and more

The first six days of December here in Tucson set a record for the coldest days on record for December.  Even John has been wearing long pants to which everyone comments that it must be cold if John isn't wearing shorts LOL. 

We've been keeping a rather low profile but have ventured out in the past few days. We were going to see the holiday lights at Tohono Chul Botantical Garden but got rained out last Saturday evening - darn it.  Thursday evening, we went to Reid Park Zoo to partake in Zoo Lights with Rick and Y.  The zoo is all decorated up with lights and displays as well as holiday music being performed by local school children.  Other than being rather chilly, it was a nice stroll. We really didn't get to see the zoo so we might have to go back after the first of the year. We did get to hear the male lion and tiger roaring as I don't think they liked their peace and quiet being disturbed by all the people.  Here are a few pictures which really don't do the zoo decorations justice:

After the zoo, we stopped in at Denny's for some warm beverages and the guys had dessert.  It felt good to hold a warm cup of tea in my hands to help warm up my fingers.  It was a nice outing with friends.

Friday afternoon we headed out with Rick and Y and went to 4th Ave Street Fair.  They close down 4th Ave and vendors set up shop in the middle of the street and off on to side streets. We parked at nearby parking facility and took a free shuttle to 4th Ave.  So glad we did because traffic was terrible and parking non-existent or very expensive.  We saw many interesting and unique items.  Living in an RV precludes one from much more than looking but if we had a sticks and bricks home, look out LOL as I would have been really tempted by some of the creations.

Friends, Bruce and Jenna, invited us to go to Lazy Days new Tucson location (formerly Beaudry RV) as they were having RV representatives, seminars, and lots of RVs to look at this weekend.  There is a fifth wheel brand that Bruce and Jenna are interested in and wanted to talk to the representative and hoped to see a few more models.  Needless to say, we had to check it out, too.  The presentation of the rig was very nice, amenities were nice, but there were a few items of concern that only full-timers really pay attention to. It was funny watching Bruce and John crawling around the fifth wheel looking at this and that.  Thank goodness we are not in the market for another rig!!! John and I sat in on a seminar for a company that leads caravan groups to Alaska.  The caravan itself is very expensive and not really our style but the information was good.   When we caught back up with Bruce and Jenna, they were back talking to the representative.  A short time later it was time for dinner and Lazy Days had a spread available for all attendees: coleslaw, beans, BBQ chicken, rolls, and apple pie along with live entertainment which made talking/listening rather difficult. We didn't know this was a benefit to attending their weekend event and as we were all starving, it was most appreciated and tasty also. 

Soon we will be heading to Sacramento to visit with our daughter, other family and friends for Christmas.  We can't wait to see everyone.

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