Friday, July 15, 2011

Kaleidoscope of color

We headed for Crested Butte this morning to see the beautiful colors that the wild flowers have brought to the area as they appear to peaking.  The camera (or maybe the photographers) just can't begin to show you the layers of colors but we are going to share our pictures anyway.  To truly embrace the beauty for yourself, come to Crested Butte in mid-July if you can.


  1. Terri,

    Love the wildflower slideshow. Didn't know you could do that on blogspot. Neat. I remarked to Fred though that it looks like all the same pictures we took on our visit to Crested Butte as well. LOL Guess all us flower loving photographers stop at exactly the same spots for the same reason.

    Enjoy it.


  2. Thanks for the nice comments Jo. The slideshow is such a nice way to share more photos than I would ever want to put in a blog. I'm sure Fred's pictures were fabulous as he has such a wonderful eye.

