Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pioneer Museum - Hot Springs & Crazy Horse Light Show

We headed out to visit the Pioneer Museum in Hot Springs this morning. The museum building was the local schoolhouse until 1961. The building still looks very much like a school and has chalk boards, desks, etc. You can imagine what the interior must have sounded like when the recess bell rang. In the back was an old fashioned carousel that kids push and then jump on for a spin as well as an old fashioned teeter-totter.
The building houses a lot of "old" stuff. It was amazing and entertaining to look at the collection they had on display. John said his Uncle Emil had an old stove for heat like the one in the middle of the picture.
Look at the length of that gun. The consensus was that you would have to be very close to whatever you shot to make it count.
Original Hot Springs post office boxes and counter.
Old fashioned Maytag washing machines. Thank goodness technology has advanced!
Collection of old stoves.
These Siamese calves were born in 1962. They did not survive very long after their birth. One of those strange but true pictures.
Here I am lending a hand to Y as she tried clamping on these old fashioned heat rollers used for setting permanents in the olden days. Looks like some strange torture machine. Wait a minute, that is exactly what it was for women!
Old dentist office equipment. John and Rick remember their dentist's office looking much like this one. I guess I have blocked that part out as it looks a bit scary to me.
Old telephone switchboard equipment. Couldn't help but think of Lily Tomlin going "One ringadingy, two ringadingys" from the TV show Laugh-in. I know, I know, I'm showing my age!
It was very interesting and there were so many different things to view that I couldn't begin to include most of the pictures. Lots of history in the way it used to be done.

After we had lunch, we headed back to Custer via some of the back roads that take you through Wind Cave park lands and Custer State Park. We were able to spot this mule deer buck from the Jeep.
We took the drive up to Mt. Coolidge which is a fire lookout. John and I went last year but I didn't like going up the narrow road with shear drop-offs plus meeting cars/trucks heading in the opposite direction in our big truck. This time we went up in Rick and Y's Jeep. Much better. Here is a pretty shot of the Cathedral Spires that you view up close when you drive the Needles Highway. From this vantage point on Mt. Coolidge, with binoculars, you are able to see Crazy Horse and George Washington's profile.
We headed home and settled in for a bit before heading out to Crazy Horse to take in the evening laser light show. We all had a Native American Taco for dinner (so good) at the Laughing Waters Restaurant before touring the grounds and taking in the short movie. We watched the laser light show standing outside in the Veranda. It was a bit chilly with the wind blowing and Y wrapped her bottom half in a blanket to comfortably watch the show. Once we got back to the campground, we all headed to our respective homes and beds. Whew! Another full day.

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