Monday, April 13, 2009

Back on-line

Wind, lightning, thunder, wind and even more wind! That has been our lives for the past week. It was so nice to go to sleep last night with no sound of wind. Even the coyotes were happy as we heard them just before nodding off. Friday night around midnight we were woken up with lightning and thunder that went on for better than two hours. In addition, we had campers come in around 2 a.m. (yes, 2 a.m.). They were loud and left their truck running while unhooking their boat and their fifth wheel. Needless to say, our neighbors didn't get on our good side from the start. It didn't get much better on Saturday night as they left their dog outside. The dog barked on and off all night long. I don't blame the dog for barking as it must have been rather unnerving. Leaving their dog tied up outside was pretty stupid considering there are critters around that wouldn't mind making a meal of the dog. Finally, around 4 a.m. they brought the dog in.

On Friday, John came in and said you better make up some hummingbird food. It seems that he was buzzed by a hummingbird which then looked at each of our windows for a feeder. This is the first sign of hummingbirds we have had. We have a pair of Black Chinned Hummingbirds and another unidentified male that are hanging around. They are quite entertaining to watch them zip around and chase off one another. The House Finches have discovered the Hummingbird feeder hanging from the Ramada. The finches must have a sweet tooth so they are enjoying the nectar.

John went out for a bike ride this afternoon and as he headed out to the main road, he noticed a big bird with a white chest sitting on top of a telephone pole. He stopped to get a better look. Soon the bird took off carrying his catch . . . an Osprey with a fish between his talons. John interrupted his dinner. The camera was at home, of course.

Nothing much has been going on with all this wind. We've read, played video games on the computer, watched TV (even the Masters golf tournament yesterday . . that is how bored I was) and played card games. Our bird friends and other critters also helped to keep us entertained.

We were so thrilled with no wind today that we spent most of the day sitting outside. Wait, we also washed the truck so it is looking good once again. We will be heading for Albuquerque on Wednesday but unfortunately, the wind is due to return tomorrow (20 to 25 mph with gusts up to 30 mph or more). All we are hoping for is a south wind as we head north on Wednesday.

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